22.08.2020  Announcement of new Jedi Academy project


Today I'm announcing a new project for Jedi Academy:

the Light Frigate "Agrippa"

Originally intended for Elite Force's RPG-X modification and as a joined venture between another mapper and myself but due to questionable decisions and actions originating from The Last Outpost, I have decided to port my work to Jedi Academy. See earlier entries for more details.

After TLO and myself went our separate ways, their in-house mapper completed their version and is available in their 4GB large RPG-XCE version and I do urge everyone to check out that version. Seriously, it is definitely not your computer and it's a shame it has to be this way but this is not my choice . . .

In the meantime, stay tuned for updates and screenshots for the Jedi Academy version.


Due to events on the Elite Force 1 Discord, where my person was accused of sexual harassment of a member outside the server and publicly using her name in order to diss and ditch here, I have decided to cease for the time being all development of work which was intended and developed for Elite Force II.

This is unfortunately NOT my choice but at the moment, I do not feel myself confortable within the Elite Force communities, especially when my person is being hammered in such a very low way.

I know that there are people waiting for my work to become available for Elite Force II but with this happening, I cannot in good conscience, develop work for a community that supports and endorses these kind of outings. Maybe in time, development will continue but right now and after this, I cannot do it . . .

Thank you for your support,

30.04.2020  New releases of "Asteroid Base" available
On what is essential the 16th birthday of "Asteroid Base", two new releases are now publicly available:

Complete Edition (Jedi Academy)
The Complete Edition for Jedi Academy contains both Release THREE and Update ONE in one convenient downloadable package. No changes have been made to the map, scripts and textures so if you already have those versions, then you won't need this one. This download is for new players and people who want to check "Asteroid Base" out.

Release THREE (Jedi Outcast)
A long overdue release but better late then never: Release THREE for Jedi Outcast. Based on the Jedi Academy version, the Jedi Outcast is almost identical to the previous mentioned version, altough certain compromises had to be made in order to make the Jedi Outcast version work.

One of the reasons why it was delayed, was to see if there would be a limit-removing port available that "Asteroid Base" could take advantage of. Unfortunately, this did not come to pass, so a single version that works with the base game and with the available ports is now available for playing. If in the future a more limit-removing port becomes available, then a special version of "Asteroid Base" will be developed for that!

For now: let's play !!

20.04.2020  New screenshots of "Asteroid Base" for Elite Force II


New work in progress screenshots of the map "Asteroid Base" for Elite Force II.

11.01.2020  Regarding Bitcoin advertisements on my website


Recently, I have been notified about the apperances of fraudulent Bitcoin advertisements on my website (www.aprentice.be). I hereby urge every visitor NOT to fall for this scam that most likely originates from Nigeria. It is a scam, it is fake and the only people who will get rich of this, are the people behind it.

I have reported this to the people who's names and faces are being abused for this scam, in the example that has been brought to my attention, it considered the Dutch broadcaster NOS, presenter and journalist Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, actress Carice van Houten and Google itself.

If you happen to come across such advertisement on my webpage, please notify me as soon as possible with screenshots and URL's. You can sent them to java_hp(at)hotmail(dot)com, an e-mail address that has been affiliated with my person for a very long time. If you wish to file your own report, feel free to do so. I do wish to be notified so that I can be aware that it has surfaced again.

Thank you in advance,


Recentelijk ben ik verwittigd over het feit dat er frauduleuze Bitcoin advertenties worden getoond op mijn website (www.apprentice.be). Ik wil hierbij iedereen op het hart drukken, dat dit gewoon oplichting is die vermoedelijk ergens vanuit Nigeria vandaan komt. Het is nep en de enigen die er rijk van worden, zijn degenen die hier achter zitten.

Er is hiervan melding gemaakt bij degenen wiens namen en foto's voor worden misbruikt, in het voorbeeld wat mij heeft bereikt, ging dat om de omroep NOS, presentator en journalist Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, actrice Carice van Houten en uiteraard Google zelf.

Mocht het zo zijn dat u als bezoeker deze of soortgelijke advertenties aanschouwt, dan dien ik het verzoek in om deze direct aan mij te melden met screenshots en URL's. Deze kunnen gestuurd worden naar java_hp(at)hotmail(dot)com, een e-mail adres die al heel lang aan mijn persoon geaffilieerd is. Mocht u als bezoeker dit zelf willen melden, dan bent u daarin vrij om dit zelf te doen. Ik wens echter wel op de hoogte te worden gebracht, zodat ik weet heb van wanneer en waar zulke advertenties werden vertoond.

Alvast bedankt,

01.01.2020  Happy new year
Happy new year :)