Normally I don't use my personal webpage to comment on other websites
(unless it is related to downloadable content originating from this website).
Personally, I prefer to state them onto the site self so that whoever feels obliged to it, can make comments that either acknowledges of disprove my statements but in the case of Filefront/Filesnetwork, they forced my hand to do it here instead where they are and will be unable to respond to and at this point their arguments will simply be disregarded, they had their chance.
That's what happens when staffmembers decide to pull rank on regular members and subsequently hide behind their priviledges.
In my opinion, Filefront and therefor Filesnetwork should have pulled the plug last year since I don't believe any improvement in their current and declining status will become visible over the couse of 2010 and beyond. Eversince their April fool's joke, things have gone from bad to worse on the many aspects that they represent.
First of all, the technical issues that currently and has plagued the Filesnetwork sites for months. Even before the April fool's joke, when Filefront/Filesnetwork was still part of Ziff Davies, some major and minor technical issues surfaced themselves which didn't get fixed and nowadays, most of them are still unaddressed. After a year of these broken functionalities, the only thing the tech guys did was implementing a totally unimaginative and unintuitive site design, basicly throwing Filesnetwork users back into the stone age. See here: the priorities of the so-called "tech guys" . . .
Technical issues aren't the only thing that has destroyed Filefront's and Filesnetwork credibility. Many of the site-administrators
(especially the ones I had to deal with) are children, nothing more and nothing less. The problem with those children is that they lack a certain amount of life experience to reflect and balance their decisions, oftenly resulting in a narrow minded, monochromatic vision and absolute power behaviour on how to deal with certain things
("our way or the highway", pulling rank and other behaviour that also appears with certain moderators on the Filefront forums).
That the law says that people have reached adulthood when they are 18 doesn't mean that they are adults yet and that they are site- administrators doesn't mean that they are always right. I can name three cases where people believed that they were right, only to be proven otherwise and that is just locally.
In my opinion, site administrators should at lease be 27 years old, so that they can reach a certain level of maturity which they can bring into their decision making.
Not only the lack of maturity by the site-administrators is an issue, also the fact that some of them refuse to take any real responsebility regarding their site is a real downgrading factor written on Filenetwork's conto. Especially with, I believe that some of the past and present site-administrators are only on the spot because they think "this is so cool" and gives them status/prestige on either the FF/FN community or possibly even other communities in existence.
This is especially visible in the POTD section of, where screenshots are being posted which wouldn't even be considered a few years back and if you address them on that point, the only answer you will get is
"what else did you expect?", hence certain comments that I got from
This all combined and considered leads me to believe that Filefront is a bad horse to bet on and have decided to discard it "as is" and aimed my arrows to other communities, some small and not so wide spread known to other competing fileswebsites such as Fileplanet and I urge everyone after reading this lenghty text to do the same . . .