15.12.2008  Director's Cut versions postponed
The Director's Cut versions of both Asteroid Base - redone and Asteroid Base II, which had been planned for a December 2008 release, has been postponed until 2009.

For reasons mentioned in an earlier news entry, I feel that releasing that version now with either so many things not finished or being rushed, it will not do any justice to the series and how I have envisoned the Director's Cut to become.

Therefor, by postponing the release, I have more time to finish the maps more properly and making a release I truly want to release . . .

13.12.2008  Suspension of all on-line partitipations
Due to the whole financial crisis and the effect it has on practicly everything that involves money and other unexpected time constrains, I have decided some weeks ago to suspend all partitipations in on-line projects that I am part of until further notice.

By this time, all team leaders have recieved an e-mail which has notified them personally of my decission. I certainly hope that this crisis ends soon, so that I can have the time again to do at least some of the things I like . . .

03.09.2008  Boards closed
I've decided to close down the APPBBS boards since the nessecaty for one isn't there anymore. There are still plenty of ways for people to contact me, either over e-mail or private messaging through the various (Elite Force related) forums I post in.

30.08.2008  Asteroid Base Redone - Release ONE released !!
Release ONE of the Elite Force map Asteroid Base Redone has been released today. As was with Asteroid Base II, Asteroid Base Redone is available in four (4) different versions which are available from the Download page.

19.08.2008  Base1 release date
Since the map has been finished, I can announce that the map Asteroid Base - redone shall be released on this August 30th at 0:00 CET. As it was with Base2, this map shall also become available in four (4) different flavors uploaded to Filefront:
  • AB1_HM

  • This version is the standard Holomatch version and currently supports nine (9) players.
  • AB1_CTF

  • This version can be used for Capture the Flag and the regular Team Holomatch games. This version was created for 4vs4 players but may support more players (max 8vs8).
  • AB1_TEAM

  • This version can be used to play both Capture the Flag and Team Holomatch games (4vs4 players), yet this version is different then the earlier mentioned AB2_CTF version.

    In this version, players will start with either Federation or alien weaponry (both teams shall have the phaser) and some power-ups including armour. Unlike the CTF version, power-ups are limited and additional weaponry and health has been removed.
  • AB1_Salinga

  • This version was made for the In2tagib modification created by Lt. Cmdr. Salinga but it can also be used for the Disintegration game that comes with either the 1.2 patch or the Expansion pack.

    The map supports both Holomatch as Capture the Flag/Team Holomatch games and supports partially Salinga's Gladiator Arena mod, though it was not developed for it. This version will support nine (9) players in regular Holomatch games and a recommended number of 4vs4 players in team based games (more may be supported).
    09.06.2008  New screenshots on-line
    New screenshots of the map Asteroid Base - redone and updated (widescreen) screenshots of the map Battlestar Bellerophon are now accessable through their Screenshots pages.

    02.06.2008  Progress... what progress?
    A month since Base2, a year since Battlestar and three days of Pinkpop later, a lot of things have happened. Time for a little update then:

  • Asteroid Base II - Director's cut

  • A special Director's cut version of Base2 will be released somewhere later this year. In this version, everything that had to be cut out of the regular Elite Force versions have been brought back into the map and shall therefor require the ioEF engine modification currently available as version 1.38.
  • Asteroid Base II - Roleplaying version

  • Unfortunately, the roleplaying version doesn't go very well. For some reason, Radiant doesn't do nicely with some of the specific RPG-X elements found within their entities definitions, resulting in various crashes and such. At the moment, I'm still figuring out how to solve them . . .
  • Asteroid Base - redone (NEW PROJECT !!!)

  • Originally to be part of Base2's Director's cut version, I have decided to release this as a full seporate release.

    Asteroid Base - redone (future referenced as Base1) is a re-do of the original Asteroid Base map. With a structurely redesigned lay-out, the map has been brought to the same visual aesthetics as can be found within Asteroid Base II (so no more black squares and unlit models ;) ). Base1 shall become available in the same manner as Base2 was released, which means four (4) seporate versions plus a special Roleplaying version.

    The first WIP screenshots are now available from the Screenshots page.

    01.05.2008  Temporary Roleplaying version released
    A temporary Roleplaying version of "Asteroid Base II" has been released this evening (CET). This version has been designed to work with the RPG-X modification and can only be used for that mod alone !!

    Furthermore, it corrects several issues currently found within Base2 and RPG-X. To download this version, check out the Download page.

    30.04.2008  Asteroid Base II - Release ONE released !!
    Today on the fourth anniversary of the map "Asteroid Base", marks the release of the sequel to 2004's most anticipated and highly regarded map: "Asteroid Base II". After two years of development, Release ONE is now available for downloading.

    Other then the original "Asteroid Base" map, "Asteroid Base II" is available in four (4) different versions which are seporately packed into 16,7 MB large ZIP archives (or one ZIP archive of 28,8 MB large) and are available from the Download page here on this website.

    29.04.2008  T minus 2 hours and counting
    Everything's under control ... barely!

    21.04.2008  Base2 on Youtube
    Sometimes you can find neat and interesting stuff on the internet. So came I across this movie on Youtube. This 1:26 long film comprises out of various Alpha screenshots of the map that were posted here on the website with a nice tune playing in the background.

    Makes me wonder what EvilGrizz comes up with the final images and/or when the full map has been released . . . ;)
    16.04.2008  New FINAL screenshots posted
    With less then a fortnight to go for the release, new screenshots have been brought on-line of AB2's final version. These twenty-one images replace the Alpha shots that were previously visible and are accessable through the Screenshots section of this website.

    27.03.2008  And then it was done ...
    ... at least, the mapping part on all four versions of Base2.

    The next four weeks shall be used to tweak and balance the various version, which will probably become a hassle (Note the very, very large understatement here) and hopefully it will be done before the deadline of April 30th, 2008 . . .

    23.03.2008  Progress update (2)
    Despite everything that happened, especially earier this week, development of the map "Asteroid Base II" continued as planned and I can say that something is about to happen on April 30th, 2008, four years to the date that the first "Asteroid Base" went into béta.

    The manner of release is still undetermined, yet I can disclose on how the final releases will look like:
  • AB2_HM

  • This version is the standard Holomatch version and currently supports nine (9) players.
  • AB2_CTF

  • This version can be used for Capture the Flag and the regular Team Holomatch games. This version supports 4vs4 players.
  • AB2_TEAM

  • This version can be used to play both Capture the Flag and Team Holomatch games (4vs4 players), yet this version is different then the earlier mentioned AB2_CTF version.

    In this version, players will start with either Federation or alien weaponry (both teams shall have the phaser) and some power-ups including armour. Unlike the CTF version, power-ups are limited and additional weaponry and health has been removed.
  • AB2_Salinga

  • This version was made for the In2tagib modification created by Lt. Cmdr. Salinga but it can also be used for the Disintegration game that comes with either the 1.2 patch or the Expansion pack.

    The map supports both Holomatch as Capture the Flag/Team Holomatch games and supports partially Salinga's Gladiator Arena mod, though it was not developed for it. This version will support nine (9) players in regular Holomatch games and 4vs4 players in team based games.
    All versions shall become available in one all contained archive or several stand-alone archives which will contain all textures, audio clips and background music, apart from the chosen version.

    17.03.2008  Removal of the EFfiles.com mirrors


    Due to recent developments on EFfiles.com, I have decided to remove the mirror links of any content that I have there. Furthermore I have requested that Filesnetwork, which EFfiles.com is part of, removes all my submitted, creative content from their servers.

    I cannot and will not, with good conscience, allow my content in which I spent many good hours in to reach the level of quality I have layed out for myself, to be hosted there as long as the current site-administrator (AdmiralHocking) remains operating the site with a narrow minded, monochromatic, "absolute power" dictatorial simplistic vision (read: an Ubermensch behaviour regards the regular userbase there) which can currently be found in either North Korea, Birma or the 1930's/early 1940's Germany. As long as that kind of Ubermensch behaviour remains tolerated by the over-all staff of Filesnetwork, I will not allow them to host nor will I submit any of my created content past, present and future.

    I regret to have to make this kind of decission, but apperantly it is nessacery to prevent visitors of this website any further abuse they might experience on EFfiles.com (and possibly any other Filesnetwork related websites), whetter visible, invisible or otherwise present in any form and/or shape what so ever.

    For the moment, this only reflects the Filesnetwork portion. As with the Filefront links, I do not how much Filesnetwork and Filefront entangled at this moment and if it were to happen that the Filefront links are not operational, steps will be taken to make the content available from Filefront again . . .

    18.02.2008  New screenshots online
    Six new screenshots of the upcomming map "Asteroid Base II" have been brought on-line. You can access them through the Screenshots section of this website.

    28.01.2008  New project: Asteroid Base II
    January 28th, 2008


    Apprentice is proud to present a preview for his latest project named Asteroid Base II. As the successor of 2004's most anticipated and highly regarded map Asteroid Base, Asteroid Base II continues where its predecessor was forced to stop. It will feature several new area's as well as variations on existing themes and playable modes that were not present within the original map.

    The map has been in development for almost two years and a release date and the manner of release is yet to be determined. The first six screenshots are available in the new 1024 x 640 (16:10) widescreen format.

    06.01.2008  -- Entry removed --
    01.01.2008  Happy new year
    A happy new year to each and everyone of you. That your new year's resolution may come through . . . ;)