09.02.2024  SSV Normandy SR-2, screenshots week 2


More W.I.P screenshots of the "SSV Normandy SR-2" for Jedi Academy, this time focused on Deck 3.

02.02.2024  SSV Normandy SR-2, screenshots week 1


The first W.I.P screenshots of the "SSV Normandy SR-2" for Jedi Academy.

27.01.2024  Yeah, this will be something . . .


Years ago when I was still active within the Elite Force community, I had four projects that I had intented to develop and release for the RPG-X modification.

These were the:

    - U.S.S Leonov - "The Animal" (now available for Jedi Academy)
    - Battlestar Aurelia (Outline ONE available for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast, Outline TWO still in development)
    - U.S.S Southern Cross (Still in development for Jedi Academy, based on a canceled Elite Force II modification)
. . . and this project for which I now post some very early screenshots of.

For years I thought I had lost this project (and others) due to a harddrive failure years ago and while I frequently make back-up's (and now with cloud services, it is way easier nowadays), this project wasn't among them. This changed last autumn when I decided to clear out some old boxes.

In some of them, there were some very old USB sticks and while most of them didn't work anymore, some did partially and a couple of them contained various projects in some degree of projects that I did in the past. Luck would have it that it also contained the above, though I have to admit that I only managed to recover some 70 to 75 percent of what I had back then.

Now that I have found the project again, I have decided to finish it ** properly ** this time and develop this for Jedi Academy. The process of texturing, lighting and dressing the map has already been undertaken and I will use the assets that came with the game.

Stay tuned for more screenshots in the coming weeks . . .

01.01.2025  Happy new year
Happy new year :)